Course Overview


Given the little time we have together and the massive amount of resources up in the cloud, this class is going to comprise a lot of information distilled into a bunch of bite-sized pieces to get you up and running as quickly as possible. To give you a quick overview of what we’ll be using:

  • This website

This is intended to be your “textbook” for the class. It will comprise a series of blog posts ordered by week and module number. I will do my best to give you as much written information as possible to search through, with additional 10-15 minute videos to support each post. Generally I will be creating the videos to explain a concept or walk you through a technique.

  • Codelabs

These are guided labs that are either developed by myself (you can develop them yourself as well if you like the layout, I know I do!) or by Google. Generally a lab manual will accompany them in Blackboard so that you can receive points for your work.

  • Qwiklabs

Qwiklabs are “paid-for” labs that will supplement what we’re working on. You will receive a bunch of credits to apply to the labs. As much as I’d have liked to have written these myself, they seem to be very slick and to-the-point, and are excellent guides for the topics at hand. You can also earn badges for them that you can show off in your profile, if that is important to you. Note that, while not “official,” Qwiklabs can be used to help prepare for various certification exams. Note that you are never to put your credit card in for any technology we use for this course … if you are enrolled in it with me you will receive free credits via Google.

  • The Dates

Don’t mind the dates that you see on the blog posts. They were simply added to ensure the correct ordering of posts. If you want to really see when things were updated check the site’s git logs.