Course Overview
This course comprises fifteen weeks. Each post on this page covers a week's worth of material. The post list (this page) shows a quick preview of the things you need to do each week (module videos, assignments, etc.). Clicking 'More' will take you to the blog post for each module (these posts are intended to replace slides). Ensure you monitor Blackboard for assignment deadlines!
Useful links
Week 1 - Introduction to the Cloud
Module Videos
- Google - What is the cloud? [42:36]
- Welcome to Class! [17:19]
- Plagiarism/Cheating Note [3:48]
- Intro to the Cloud [8:14]
- Term Project Ideas [6:19]
- Cloud Billing [8:24]
- Cloud Computing Costs [14:40]
- Export Billing to BigQuery [12:53]
- Cloud Providers [7:46]
- Lab 1 Overview (Setup / Virtual Machines) [21:31]
- Lab Environments [8:36]
- General Reference for Cloud Tools I Use (Vim, Nano, tmux) [40:40]
- AWS Academy Overview [10:39]
Week 2 - Cloud Technologies
This module will introduce you to some of the various technologies that are available to you as part of cloud computing.
Module Videos
Week 3 - Serverless functions
This module will introduce you to the concept of serverless functions and give you practical experience in the various facets of creating them.
Module Videos
Week 4 - Designing Cloud Applications
This module will get you thinking about designing apps in the cloud. We'll cover architecting cloud applications and designing microservices.
Module Videos
- What are cloud applications? [13:33]
- Microservices [11:36]
- App Engine Overview [14:15]
- App Engine Demo (1/2) [10:46]
- App Engine Demo (2/2) [10:58]
- Monolithic-Microlithic Demo Pt 1 [11:31]
- Monolithic-Microlithic Demo Pt 2 [18:19]
- Monolithic-Microlithic Demo Pt 3 [19:01]
- Monolithic fun (a discussion) [5:02]
Week 5 - Geographic Concerns
This module will get you thinking about taking those cloud apps worldwide.
Module Videos
Week 6 - Cloud Storage
By the end of this module, you'll gain experience with storing information on and around the cloud.
Module Videos
Week 7 - Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
By the end of this module, you'll gain experience with using APIs in various formats and incarnations.
Module Videos
16 post articles, 2 pages.